BOS DigiTec GmbH Company
BOS DigiTec GmbH

BOS DigiTec GmbH

BOS DigiTec GmbH is the result of the merger of B.O.S. Software Service und Vertrieb GmbH. With the entry of the merger in the Commercial Register on August 2, 2023, all existing contracts with customers and suppliers were transferred to BOS DigiTec GmbH in the course of a so-called universal succession. These will be continued unchanged by BOS DigiTec GmbH.

BOS has decided to take this step in order to represent its innovative ability and future orientation also in its company name.

Innovation, Competence, Reliability, and Enthusiasm

We are a German software company with over 30 years of experience. Today we are among the world-wide leading providers of data integration solutions in heterogeneous environments with IBM z mainframe architecture. Among our customers are a various corporations noted in the DAX and Dow Jones as well as public organizations around the world.

Our focus is on cross-system data replication, synchronization and migration including data transformation and integration into the target systems in environments with IBM z mainframes, Linux, Unix, MS-Windows, Hadoop, Cloud, and Big Data platforms.

Outstanding solutions require outstanding people. This is why we value individualists with curiosity and team spirit. Development is passion. Free space for creativity and autonomous teamwork create the ideal creative environment to realise software solutions on the highest level.

B.O.S. Software worldwide
1200+ installations
in 25 countries

Strategy 2030

The age of digitization is about overcoming system limits in order to make historically developed structures in IBM z mainframes sustainable and future-oriented. The integration of new technologies is the central task of today‘s information technology. This is why we give our clients free space for innovation: We do not produce databases, so it is solely up to our clients to choose the database, file system, or data lake that suits them best.

We make room for independent decision-making, so that our clients are free to choose the IT platform that meets their needs best. Our platform-independent integration technology connects the past with the future. Value-adding growth is our central goal and the only way to make sustainable investments in innovative technology, new products, and especially our team.

Experience our passion for technology –
shape future with us.


Our independence as company guarantees maximum flexibility and freedom of choice. We determine our growth and our strategies ourselves. Our clients confirm our great performance and encourage our ways. Therefore we are a competent provider of a state-of-the-art solution for data synchronisation, replication, and migration in heterogeneous environments with IBM z mainframe architecture all over the world.


Our partnerships form an extensive service network world-wide and build bridges between time zones and language barriers. Our solutions work all over the world. Our strategy is healthy growth under our own steam and a constantly growing partner network that solidifies our global presence.


Through our years of experience with implementing customized solutions for data replication and synchronisation in heterogeneous environments we have acquired extensive knowhow in databases and file systems in IBM z mainframe environments, distributed systems (Linux, Unix, MS-Windows), as well as Cloud environments.

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